VacciCheck® Technical Information
Discover a world of superior pet protection, with VacciCheck. All the information you need on the only “in-house” titer test that tests for all 3 core vaccine diseases and compares favorably to Gold Standards.
VacciCheck confirms the following patient antibodies:
Canine | Feline |
Infectious Hepatitis (ICH) | Panleukopenia (FPLV) |
Parvovirus (CPV) | Herpes Virus (FHV) and (FCV) |
Distemper Virus (CDV) | Calici Virus |
What VacciCheck does (key test indications):
- Confirm puppy/kitten immunity following completion of an initial core vaccination course
- Manage disease outbreaks in animal shelters by enabling proper immunization
- Establish the protection status of newly adopted adult dogs/cats with unknown core vaccination history
- Assess adult dog/cat core disease immunity, enabling appropriate booster scheduling
5μL of plasma or serum, or 10μL of blood is used for testing
Canine VacciCheck Performance*:
Infectious Hepatitis (IgG)
Specificity: 93% Sensitivity: 94%
Parvovirus (IgG)
Specificity: 100% Sensitivity: 88%
Distemper (IgG)
Specificity: 92% Sensitivity: 100%
Feline VacciCheck Performance*:
Panleukopenia (IgG)
Specificity: 89% Sensitivity: 98%
Calici (IgG)
Specificity: 90% Sensitivity: 91%
Rhinotracheitis (IgG)
Specificity: 93% Sensitivity: 96%
Test Time:
Results available in 23 minutes
Required skills:
Running the test is easy and does not require specific skills. Either you or your vet technician would be able to perform the test easily.
Registered in:
USA – USDA (2011)
Canada – Canadian Food Inspection Agency (2013)
Japan – Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (2017)
*Data on File – Performance Reports:
A field and experimental trial to assess the performance of the ImmunoComb Canine VacciCheck Antibody Test Kit. Performance Report of ImmunoComb Feline VacciCheck Antibody Test Kit.