VacciCheck® Technical Information

Discover a world of superior pet protection, with VacciCheck. All the information you need on the only “in-house” titer test  that tests for all 3 core vaccine diseases and compares favorably to Gold Standards.

VacciCheck confirms the following patient antibodies:

Canine Feline
Infectious Hepatitis (ICH) Panleukopenia (FPLV)
Parvovirus (CPV) Herpes Virus (FHV) and (FCV)
Distemper Virus (CDV) Calici Virus


What VacciCheck does (key test indications):

  1. Confirm puppy/kitten immunity following completion of an initial core vaccination course
  2. Manage disease outbreaks in animal shelters by enabling proper immunization
  3. Establish the protection status of newly adopted adult dogs/cats with unknown core vaccination history
  4. Assess adult dog/cat core disease immunity, enabling appropriate booster scheduling


5μL of plasma or serum, or 10μL of blood is used for testing

Canine VacciCheck Performance*:

Infectious Hepatitis (IgG)

Specificity: 93%               Sensitivity: 94%

Parvovirus (IgG)

Specificity: 100%             Sensitivity: 88%

Distemper (IgG)

Specificity: 92%               Sensitivity: 100%

Feline VacciCheck Performance*:

Panleukopenia (IgG)

Specificity: 89%               Sensitivity: 98%

Calici (IgG)

Specificity: 90%              Sensitivity: 91%

Rhinotracheitis (IgG)   

Specificity: 93%               Sensitivity: 96%

Test Time:

Results available in 23 minutes

Required skills:

Running the test is easy and does not require specific skills. Either you or your vet technician would be able to perform the test easily.

Registered in:

USA – USDA (2011)

Canada – Canadian Food Inspection Agency (2013)

Japan – Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (2017)

*Data on File – Performance Reports:

A field and experimental trial to assess the performance of the ImmunoComb Canine VacciCheck Antibody Test Kit. Performance Report of ImmunoComb Feline VacciCheck Antibody Test Kit.

Additional Resources

Canine VacciCheck

Feline VacciCheck