Feline VacciCheck – A Case Study About the Need to Validate After You Vaccinate
Three female kittens, all at the age of two months, began to receive vaccines against the three core diseases – Feline Panleukopenia Virus (FPV), Feline Herpes Virus and Feline Calici Virus, according to accepted protocol. The first vaccine at the age of two months and the second vaccine three weeks later.
Approximately after 3 months, one of the kittens showed signs of loss of appetite, fatigue and diarrhoea. A blood test raised the suspicion for FPV although she was fully vaccinated. Following hospitalization, she did not survive.
At about the same time, a second kitten showed similar signs but following intensive hospitalization, she managed to survive the disease.
The third kitten was tested and was found to be FPV positive (PCR) as well, but without demonstrating any clinical signs.
Why did they become infected even though they were vaccinated?
Interference of maternal antibodies to the vaccine.
Non-responders due to malfunction of the immune system (perhaps genetic?).
A defective vaccine (no other cases were reported).
With VacciCheck, an immune response can be confirmed approximately two weeks after the last vaccination. According to the results, it is possible to decide whether to continue with one more vaccine booster while preventing exposure to other cats until a sufficient immune response is given.
Feline Panleukopenia Virus (FPV), also known as Feline Infectious Enteritis, Feline Parvoviral Enteritis, Feline Ataxia, is a viral infection affecting cats. It is caused by Feline Parvovirus, highly contagious and can be fatal. The name Panleukopenia comes from the low white blood cell count (Leucocytes) exhibited by affected animals.