A revolutionary product
The only in-clinic titer test kit that tests for all 3 core vaccine antigens and compares favorably with Gold Standards. VacciCheck is the only kit on the market approved for use by regulatory authorities such as USDA (USA), CFIA (Canada), Japan (MAFF) and others.
Superior quality
An in-clinic titer test, that obtains laboratory-grade results. Provides semi quantitative serological results simultaneously for the three core canine or feline diseases.
Easy to use, easy to interpret
Test individual patients for up to 12 samples at a time, in six simple steps. Obtain clear and scored results in just 23 minutes. Alternatively, batch test patients for greatest efficiency.

Highly affordable
VacciCheck provides you reliable information about your pet-patients’ immunology, without breaking the bank. Testing in-house is more cost effective than sending titer test samples off to a lab, making VacciCheck a leading effective and affordable serological testing solution
Expand the range of services provided in your practice
You can now handle your clients’ increasing awareness about the necessity of routine vaccination and possible side effects by recommending a titer test during the annual health check
Avoiding unnecessary vaccination has never been simpler, with VacciCheck.
What VacciCheck does (key test indications):
1-Confirm puppy/kitten immunity following completion of an initial core vaccination course
2-Manage disease outbreaks in animal shelters by enabling proper immunization
3-Establish the protection status of newly adopted adult dogs/cats with unknown core vaccination history
4-Assess adult dog/cat core disease immunity, enabling appropriate booster scheduling

5μL of plasma or serum, or 10μL of blood is used for testing
Canine VacciCheck Performance*:
Specificity: 93% Sensitivity: 94%
Specificity: 100% Sensitivity: 88%
Specificity: 92% Sensitivity: 100%
Feline VacciCheck Performance*:
Specificity: 89% Sensitivity: 98%
Specificity: 90% Sensitivity: 91%
Specificity: 93% Sensitivity: 96%
Test Time:
Results available in 23 minutes
Required skills:
Running the test is easy and does not require specific skills. Either you or your vet technician would be able to perform the test easily.
Registered in:
USA – USDA (2011)
Canada – Canadian Food Inspection Agency (2013)
Japan – Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (2017)
*Data on File – Performance Reports:
A field and experimental trial to assess the performance of the ImmunoComb Canine VacciCheck Antibody Test Kit. Performance Report of ImmunoComb Feline VacciCheck Antibody Test Kit.
That’s where VacciCheck Quick Guide comes in. The guide offers veterinarians easily accessible information (4 simple steps) to confirm core disease immunity in dogs and cats.
Clinical Papers
Long-lived immunity to canine core vaccine antigens in UK dogs as assessed by an in-practice test kit. Michael Day et al., Journal of Small Animal Practice 2017, British Small Animal Veterinary Association
Vaccicheck UK Paper
A field and experimental trial to assess the performance of the ImmunoComb Canine VacciCheck Antibody Test Kit
Ronald Schultz et al.

VacciCheck Performance Wisconsin
Application of a dot enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for evaluation of the immune status to canine parvovirus and distemper virus in adult dogs before revaccination.
Waner et al, J Vet Diagn Invest 18:267–270
(VacciCheck vs IFA)
Sensitivity-specificity and accuracy of the ImmunoComb Feline VacciCheck®
Michael Lappin et al.
(SS FVV Study)
Evaluation of an in-house dot enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect antibodies against feline panleukopenia virus.
Katrin Hartmann et al., Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery
Hartmann – ImmunoComb feline panleukopenia virus
Clinical Reviews
Emeritus Professor Michael J. Day
WSAVA 2018 Serology Testing Lecture Notes
Antibody Testing vs. Vaccination, Applications in Clinical Practice.
Richard B. Ford
Antibody Testing v Vaccination November 2018 Update
Considerations for the Titer Testing of Core Canine Vaccines
Ronald D. Schultz
Core Vaccine -FINAL
Vaccine Issues and the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Guidelines (2015-2017)
Jean W. Dodds, Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine Vol. 73 (2)
Dodds Israel Journal
The role of antibody titer testing in vaccination policy of dog and cat
Herman Egberink
The role of antibody titer testing in vaccination policy of dog and cat Herman Egberink
Pet Vaccination Guidelines
Excerpts from American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) New Vaccination Guidelines 2017
German Vaccination Guidelines Excerpt
Excerpts from German Guidelines “Impfung nach Antikörper-bestimmung bei Hund und Katze”
WSAVA 2018 Serology Testing Lecture Notes
Excerpts from World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Vaccination Guidelines 2015
WSAVA Vaccination Guidelines and VacciCheck [Compatibility Mode]