The lepto suspect: a disease overview and management review
The lepto suspect: a disease overview and management review In this webinar Dr. Robert Armentano review about the clinical approach to patients that may have leptospirosis, emphasizing early detection due to ...

In-Clinic canine titer test
Comparative study results from 5 clinics This webinar is a presentation of a trial was carried out in order to analyze the performance of three in-clinic test kits for the ...

Mycoplasma Felina
Mycoplasma Felina Neste webinar Dra. Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa abordou o tema do Mycoplasma felina, uma doença infecciosa responsável por muitos casos de anemia hemolítica e febre em gatos ...

Haydi! FIP ile ilgili tüm konuları masaya yatıralım…
Haydi! FIP ile ilgili tüm konuları masaya yatıralım… Feline Corona Virüs ve FIP hakkındaki teşhis ve tedaviyle ilgili tecrübelerini aktardıkları birer sunum yapmış Bu webinarda Prof. Dr. Nilüfer Aytuğ ve ...

Antibody Testing: Applications in Clinical Practice
Antibody Testing: Applications in Clinical Practice In this webinar Prof. Richard B. Ford addresses the practical aspects of antibody testing for vaccine-preventable disease in clinical practice. Click on the language ...

Animales De Compañía Vacunamos o Hiperinmunizamos
Animales De Compañía Vacunamos o Hiperinmunizamos Son muchas las preguntas que nos hacemos cuando nos enfrentamos al tema de la vacunación en animales de compañía. Te invitamos a descargar y ...

How are you keeping up – A look at changes in small animal vaccination practice
Changes in small animal vaccination practice In this webinar, Dr. Lise Hansen looks at the many current changes in small animal practice and discusses the challenges and benefits of integrating ...

Treating Feline Infectious Peritonitis
Treating Feline Infectious Peritonitis Huge strides have been made in the last two years in the treatment of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) – until recently believed by many to be ...

Testes Sorológicos na Avaliação da Imunidade Pré e Pós Vacinal como Apoio aos Protocolos Vacinais
Testes Sorológicos na Avaliação da Imunidade Pré e Pós Vacinal como Apoio aos Protocolos Vacinais Acompanhe a Dra. Mitika K. Hagiwara no webinar “Testes Sorológicos na Avaliação da Imunidade Pré ...